Thursday, 3 October 2013

Crash Diet.

There are many ways to lose weight so I'm told. Cut out fat, sweets, sugar, carbohydrates, alcohol. Do more exercise. Eat more vegetables. Eat less. Eat more healthily. Dieting is not something that crosses my mind much. I am I suppose a little overweight. My normal pre risperidone weight was 9 stone. Now I hover below, at or just above 10 stone. True I eat too much belly pork and ribs. I love roast potatoes. I no longer exclusively eat the Far Eastern diet of when I first got my own place. I drink too much. Barring walking I do far too little exercise. And yes I do have to take risperidone. But it is not unmanageable. I had a rare conversation on weight last night in the Hedgehog when I noticed that Tony the landlord had lost weight. He has made a conscious decision to cut out carbohydrates and beer. Good for him. There is of course another way to lose weight and that is to get ill. Today I woke up ill.

When I was child and I was sick my mum used to cut out all food-seemed mad at the time-and force me to drink disgusting medicine the name of which in shrouded in the mysteries of my mind. At school matron used to just starve us. Neither worked very well. Having spent most of this morning either in the bathroom or asleep I decided a better method was to eat a little. So a can of leek and potato soup later I am still alive. I feel drained, fatigued and flat. That is okay though, given time it will pass. Whether I have picked up another bug or am just reacting to the extremely fierce Vietnamese chicken curry I made last night who knows. What I do know is that I'm not up to much.

"Peter Grimes" is playing, the rain is falling, it is gloomy enough to have the lights on, and I'm just sitting it out. Shame really as they are interviewing for a new counsellor at work today and I hoped to meet the candidates. Actually I know 2 of them already but it would have been nice to meet the others.

Who knows, maybe I will lose weight. Or maybe it will go in a day and I will return to my less than healthy way of life. What I do know is that I certainly don't fancy a beer and that is unusual. Until next time.

I Heard a Voice.

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