Thursday, 24 October 2013

Back to School.

I recall from my childhood how soul destroying it was seeing "Back to School" notices all over the shops during the first week of the long summer holidays. Today I went back to school for the first time since 2000. Well that's not strictly true as I was forced to do a pointless NVQ 3 when I worked at CMHT. As it was pointless that didn't count.

Yes indeed I did make it to my first study day of my MSc. I'm still full of cold and feeling wiped out but I knew I couldn't miss it so in I went. Well it was a good day. I was anxious that I was far behind already given my recent health misfortune, time constraints, and my childish attempts to get the university's on line study facility work. In fact I was ahead of the games. So far so good. It did tire me out though.

There are of course strengths and weaknesses to all universities. In these days of fair access, equality, outreach one of the great strengths of our place is its diversity. Across the institution approximately 40% of students are from BME backgrounds. I never saw that in my day in Cambridge. In my group I am very much the ethnic minority. I heard a recent story about alleged discrimination against BME doctors in the NHS examinations. Clearly whoever did that research did not look at mental health. In my world there is a very healthy ethnic balance. I'm also in a minority in that I am 1 of only 2 non psychiatrists, the over 12 are all doctors. Very nice group though.

Back at home after some very nice twice cooked Szechuan pork I'm listening to a programme on the radio about Jean Baptiste Lully. I first came across him in the 3rd form at school. Today we would call it year 9-horrible group to teach. All I can recall is that he had an unhealthy interest in children. World has moved on thank God. Most of his adult life was spent at the court of the Sun King Louis XIV. There are hints of what Handel later did, the 2 overlapping for only the first 2 years of the latter's life. Good listening-never heard opera in French.

I am making a concerted effort to watch less TV, listen to more music and do a hell of a lot more reading. Hence an evening with the radio and my book. I do hope the cold lifts soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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