Thursday, 17 October 2013

Almost Speechless.

Rare is the day when something surprises me. That is the nature of my life, little or nothing is too mad in my world. But the last 24 hours have ranked up there as amongst the most dumbfounding of the last few years. I have spoken on here to my cost of my desire for change. Last night the nature of that change came early.

Had I known then what I know now I would not have committed to the plan such as is it a few months ago. Yes I will go through with the MSc-too committed not to-but the outcome whatever I perceived it to be when I made that decision will in no way aid my cause.

It was once said of James VI of Scotland and James I of England that he was "the wisest fool in Christendom". I feel like the most foolish fool in Christendom today. We will see how the future plays out but I will return in a years time to what I have been doing for the last year, trying to make change happen.

For now I dwell on my foolishness. Did I do good today? Yes but it is swamped in my flawed mind by other things. The curse of a mood disorder.

I Heard a Voice.

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