Monday, 6 May 2013

The English, the English, the English are Best!

Way back before the war when the Raj was still in its pomp 2 public school boys, Flanders and Swann at Westminster School wrote a Great Patriotic song. It started with the line "the English, the English, the English are best, I wouldn't give tuppence for all of the rest". Oh how the world has changed. The empire is no more. A Commonwealth of sorts exists and the age old right of self determination exists in at least some parts of the world.

But there are surviving features of the great England that was. I spoke yesterday of country churches. Today it is those wonderful country pubs dotted around those villages that are swamped on a Bank Holiday Monday. Left over from the Raj there is Darjeeling tea and curry. We have a love affair with curry.

Today I indulged in all 3 of those past times. Couple of pints in a country pub, Darjeeling tea back at my flat and Moghul style lamb is slow roasting in my oven. I've never cooked it before. It is marinaded in yoghurt, onions, ginger, garlis, chilli, cumin, coriander and turmaric. It smells divine and I can't wait. I'm never sure what to drink with curry but today it is wine. My friend Richard will bring some later.

So here's to holidays. Normally I'm bored but not this time. May we delay tomorrow for a few short hours. Until then.

I Heard a Voice.

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