Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Pandora's Box.

When I was small child I had a beautiful book about Greek Myths. It had wonderful illustrations and I liked to have the stories read to me at night-I could not read until I was 8. My paternal grandmother heartily disapproved of it-little boys should only hear nice stories. Yet after my teddybear that book was my most prized possession. I'm sure it is still at dad's house somewhere. One of the sotries was of "Pandora's Box". I forget the details but the essence was never open the box as you don't know what will be released. Pandora ignored the gods, opened it and all the evils of the world were released.

Last week as I squinted at Facebook on the small screen of my mobile there was a message about a musician called Marcel Gazelle. I had never heard of him; indeed he died the year I was born. But the story in the Indpendent that featured was of a darker side to him, his teaching and his pupils. Is the world finally catching up with the dark world of world class music back in the 60s, 70,s and 80's? I could not find the original story when I googled last night but I did find a follow up which is on the link below:


The names of the schools are all too familiar. If you look on the link you will find another link to an online petition from a former pupil at Chetham's- they were in news recently too for the same reason. The part I objected to was the suggestion that there are only 5 elite music school in the UK. What of the choir schools? I know what went on in at least 3 of them my own included (although that was more about violence).

Who knows where this will go but I sense Pandora's Box is opening. Will the net be cast that wide? I certainly have no intention of calling anyone but I did think of signing the petition. There will be more men dead and alive whose names will come to light, I just don't know who they are.

I do not regret my past. It is certainly true that past contributed enormously to my breakdown and my psychosis. But I will forever be part of highly elite group that did something that few others ever got the opportunity to do. Tomorrow I have an invitation to London for drinks with some of them. I'll let you know if I go in my next post.

I Heard a Voice.

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