Sunday, 1 January 2017

A Damp Start.

Hail and salutations! Happy New Year to you all. So the year that killed so many is over and we set forth on 2017. Looking out the window at the pouring rain it is not a day to be going out. After a mighty night at The Hedgehog I have been feeling somewhat delicate. The cold isn't helping. Memories of the night are hazy and mixed. I do wish people would not expect me to go into work mode when I'm out.

My delicate state has led to an incredibly quiet day. A half shoulder of lamb has just gone into roast. I did invite Ali and Gary but they cancelled after excessive celebrations. There will be other Sundays though.

There is another week of leisure awaiting me before I go back. It is certainly needed. On Tuesday I have to go for an over 40s health MOT at my GP surgery. Not sure how wise that is so close to all the partying. Last time I had one it was not the best of experiences and I thought the nurse was very rude. Let's hope for better this time.

If you too overdid things last night I hope your recovery comes swiftly. Sometimes I wonder why we do these things to ourselves; often our own worst enemy. See you soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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