Sunday, 15 January 2017

Too Wet to Settle.

The snow did come on Thursday evening. Quite a lot of it in fact. But after a day of incessant rain it didn't really settle. Made for difficult driving conditions trying to get home after work. Snow is not something I welcome if I'm having to go to work. The car park at the back is like an ice rink when it comes and trying to get from the back streets where I live onto roads that have been gritted is a pretty precarious business. Given what an anxious driver I am one can see my fears.

Rain has been the order of the day this Sunday. I've barely been out. No opera either. But it has been an afternoon of Rick Stein as they are showing the whole of the Food Heroes series, always my favourite of the many series he has made. On my cooking front chicken will feature later. They tell me I'm not allowed to eat the skin but I think a little of something nice can be okay.

When the week starts tomorrow I'm in a good place mentally. There is a slight anxiety on the horizon in the form of the annual Time to Talk day. Last year we had a big success. Thus far we have done nothing towards it. Such days are hard and so many struggle to put their heads above a metaphorical parapet and say I am x and I have a mental illness. I have been doing it for years but I am merely the voice of an unknown and unsuccessful nobody. Others have a much greater impact.

I do hope you have all had a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. See you in the week.

I Heard a Voice.

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