Sunday, 22 January 2017

The Lesser of Two Evils?

Why is it that all the nice things to eat are deemed unhealthy? As I get older I have moved away from puddings despite mum's great expertise in their making. At the grand old age of 47 I have discovered cheese. And now at said very same middle age the medical people tell me I should avoid cheese and that as we all know puddings are bad for us too.

Well on this Sunday when later I will go to Choral Evensong to listen to Tavener's "The Lamb" and Ireland's "Greater Love" I took a trip out to The Waggoners for lunch. After some wonderful roast beef I had a choice to make, dessert in the form of chocolate tart with blood orange ice cream or the famous les fromage that Laurent takes such pride in offering. In the end the cheese won, I won and the medics lost. It will be only temporary but okay every once in a while. Was it the lesser of two evils? No it was a choice of two joys.

There is more Rick Stein on the Food channel. The conference championships in the NFL kick off later. And I'm putting off thoughts of tomorrow. Waking very late my mood has drifted slightly into minus territory. May that too be merely temporary.

If all you out there are facing another working week, I wish you well and remind you that another weekend will soon be upon us. Mr Trump will still be perhaps the most controversial president the USA has ever had and our uncertain world rolls on. Where it will go I do not know but given the scale of the Women's Marches across the world people are bracing themselves for uneven times.

I Heard a Voice.

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