Thursday, 29 December 2016

Shades and Ice.

A bitter frost greeted me as I awoke far too early this morning. After a return of florid if not horrific dreams I gave up and got up. So much for a holiday lie in. Venturing forth to check things out the sky was blue and clear, the sun was calmed of necessity by shades and the footing was treacherous. A day to be careful.

Having got my hair cut and restocked my food supplies I was marginally disappointed by the lack of interesting things in sales. Most was of little interest and so my gift card goes unused for the time being.

A drive out into the country took me for lunch at The White Horse at Burnham Green. Been a few weeks since I was there. Lovely lunch and a pint, then home through lowering sun-not easy driving conditions.

And now back in the warmth I return to my opera. La Clemenza di Tito should keep me entertained for the rest of the afternoon. I bought a pair of duck breasts not realising they are use by today. I guess I will have to find someone to invite. Will open a bottle of red for that.

I'm still some time off returning to normality. What forethought it was to take that extra time away. It has been a good break in the main although sleep at times like last night has been impaired. I need to store energy for the dark, cold and depressing months that are February and March, not much a fan of that time of year.

There will likely be one more post this year on the eve of 2017. I have posted slightly less this year but still people are reading and contemplating in the silence of the cyber world on what I choose to share. Thanks for that.

I Heard a Voice.

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