Monday, 26 December 2016

Not Much of a Runner.

Even in my sporting youth I was never much of a runner. Mediocre sprinter yes, but anything other than that was never my forte. And so on Boxing Day down here in Kent I have neglected once again to partake in the epic annual run. This year in fact I'm not even bothering with the day in The Castle Hotel, too tired. It will be a day of rest.

A day late I will once again send season's greetings. Christmas is done. To say ours was somewhat chaotic is something of an understatement. Four cooks in a kitchen with differing views on how to cook is not an omen for harmony, organisation and straightforward team work. We did get there in the end and the food was wonderful.

As we look back on 2016 the world of social media is once again burning up with yet more celebrity deaths. I've never had much interest in the cult of celebrity and certainly was no fan of George Michael but another famous man dying oh so young? And Rick Parfitt with whom I'm less familiar. Is the world of celebrity out of control?

My intention is to stay down here in Kent probably until Wednesday. It is always so hard to keep track of the days at Christmas. Miriam and Nigel are heading home shortly as his sister and family are visiting tomorrow. I'm cheered by the fact I have no work until two weeks today. That is a good thing.

The tense chaos of yesterday is putting a small dampener on my mood, often resilient and lively on Boxing Day I am tired and a little flat. My mood will certainly rise this holiday though.

And for those of you out there kind enough to read my musings, enjoy the rest of the holiday and make cheer with the coming of the New Year.

I Heard a Voice.

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