Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Hot as Hades.

I returned to my love of Thai food tonight. I don't really know any Thai people so their legendary capacity to eat chillies hot as Hades has never been witnessed first hand by me. But by God was tonight's chilli hot! I suspect it burned as it was a raw garnish rather than battered in a paste or cooked over high heat. But I was burning and made the mistake of rubbing my eye. Won't be doing that again in a hurry.

Being Wednesday my evening has just been lit up by the Queen of the Night from The Magic Flute. The last couple of days as I have been on my travels it has been the music of William Byrd and his 16th century peers both from post reformation England but also Catholic Spain and Italy. Not that Italy really existed then but the greatness of Palestrina represented that part of Europe. Are my attempts at culture mere add ons to my chaotic life? If nothing else it gives me an escape.

The demands of daily expectation have been just that in recent weeks, demanding. Every time I try to carve some space the phone rings, a vital e mail comes in and yet more people line up to seek my advice. It is at those times of uncertainty that my self belief can waver and my anxiety start to fight me.

But with 3 1/2 weeks to go I'm still fighting back rather than falling apart. In the main I am in control. Having that keeps me from the ravages of my old madness. So the culture both visual, aural and taste play their part. It can be a good life if we can hang onto those precious things.

I Heard a Voice.

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