Sunday, 13 November 2016

Deceptively Simple.

Some days little simple things make all the difference. The sun has come out after the gloom of yesterday. I slept long and my tiredness has abated. And a simple lunch of floured and seasoned sprats gently fried has had a restorative effect on me. So far removed from what happened in the week.

Today is the day we remember the war dead. Services take place all over the country. Gary's submariner father will do his bit as ever, he comes from Canada every year. I wonder what is made of those who died in the countries who fought against the Allies? They must be mourned too. The poppy field are resown for another year.

So what to do on this day? No opera, just the radio for the time being. My neighbour Richard is coming later to help me with my car-I'm the least practical person on the planet hence the need for help with everything. Should we then drive to a country pub? It is too nice a day to stay indoors for the duration.

I must remember in the week to do my mood diary. Yes there have been 3 blips in the last few weeks which I recorded on here but subsequently mainly let go. That is what I must do, let go. I think I'm in good shape. I haven't had to raise my Risperidone for several months. Pray that will continue.

At some point this week I must start preparing a talk I'm delivering in a local school at the end of the month. It is a tall order speaking alongside such a high profile campaigner as Jonny Benjamin. But I will do my best.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone and may your week be fruitful and fun.

I Heard a Voice.

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