Where has everyone disappeared to? They seem to have vanished. On another close but overcast Saturday there is no sign of the sun and not much sign of life. I did my usual trip to the butcher, then town. It was so quiet. Bought a couple of pairs of Levi's in a sale-shame sale wasn't after pay day but seize the day if you can. I have a Tsing Tao with Yang and a nice cappuccino in Waterstones then home with my new purchases, cleaned coat and very expensively altered blazer.
All the doors and windows are open in the flat and a gentle breeze is barely shifting the stuffy air in here. I fancied listening to strings again today and was overly indulgent-Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata in the car and now Mozart String Quintets at home.
My mood is buoyant, I have no anxiety and I'm looking forward to fresh linen when I eventually go to bed. Before then the obligatory visit to my kitchen. Prawns are the plan tonight, trying out a new recipe marinated in sumac, coriander, lemon and garlic then fried in olive oil. Perhaps a little Lebanese salad to accompany it. Light and healthy.
Miriam and Nigel are coming tomorrow and we have a table booked at The Waggoners. I guess it will be rare beef again then. We will exchange birthday presents, hers late and mine early.
So many good things coming up in my break but for now I sit back with Mozart, a glass of Pimm's and Ernest Hemingway's A Moveable Feast. Very much enjoying that.
I Heard a Voice.
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