Saturday, 4 October 2014

The Rains of Autumn.

Greetings. I seem to have been away from here for ages. Actually it was Tuesday when I last posted. Well I survived week 1 without too much drama. Had a couple of calls yesterday that led me away from the the plan and on the move but nothing too drastic. Long may that continue.

With the exception of battles with data collection-yes they are ongoing-it was a good week. My meeting with my tutor was really helpful so now have a direction to go. Much of it will be built on my previous work and data I can already access. It had not really troubled me much but my thoughts were rather thwarted by the needs of the ethics committee whose wheels grind slowly and would almost certainly scupper a January deadline. So it will be sampling existing feedback from the last couple of years.

Now it is the weekend. The rain was teeming down much of the day, more like late November than early October. I did venture out and got rather wet. A hearty hot and sour soup with Yang certainly hit the spot then home for study. All accompanied by Cosi fan Tutte.

Work complete I have cooked, stir fried fish with black bean sauce, a dish my mum liked, I watched Inspector Morse, and now have Handel's Xerxes on the radio. I do so like opera in English.

So I bid you good night, I now retire back to T E Lawrence with a beer and a contented heart and mind.

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