My many years of singing ecclesiastical music have made me quite familiar with both the old and new testaments of the bible. So often one reads words to the effect of "and so it came to pass", "according to the prophets", and "so the scripture was fulfilled". Well I am not a prophet and I always tell my students I cannot predict the future. But sometimes I do make such predications. Usually I am right. So I say it here without telling you what the prophecy I made some time ago was that it shall come to pass. Cryptic eh? Well time will tell.
It has been an interesting day. A day on which I made a decision. That decision may not be realised for a while but I have made it. For now I will see back and watch events unfold.
Back at home I'm listening to Renaissance music prompted by an excellent Radio 3 broadcast on Monteverdi. I'm digesting my supper of pork with sage and cider and polishing of the rest of my glass of cider. I don't often drink cider, only when I cook with it, but I must always uphold mum's legacy and buy a variety from Somerset.
The other thing that happened today is that my e friend-we have never met-Charley published a very impressive review of "Charon's Ferry" on the internationally recognised mental health website Madness and Literature Network:
The links still don't seem to be coming out on here but you can copy and past to your browser if you are interested. Maybe it will boost sales.
Until next time.
I Heard a Voice.
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