Wednesday, 7 May 2014

A Consultation.

Consult, consultation and consultant are words I hear all the time in my world. After all I have spent 24 years in the world of mental health where the consultant psychiatrist always was and is the great god of the field. In fact during my last spell on a psychiatric ward 20 years ago I referred to my consultant simply as god. And god got it so so wrong.

The connotation of all of those words is that an individual seeks out the wisdom of an expert. Apparently the counsellors I spend every day with can't function without doing a consultation first. I consult my Doctor if I'm unwell. And we already know about consultant psychiatrists.

Today I read a consultation paper on proposed changes to my work. Yet they are not asking my wisdom. They are saying this is what we are going to do so you will do it. That is not a consultation. The curious thing is that in the paper every job in our soon to be merged 2 departments was mentioned apart from mine. And oversight perhaps? Well other evidence suggests not. Is something special in line for me? I think so but I'm not sure it will help me at all. Another meeting is in the offing. Change will happen but I doubt it will help me.

Away from there I learned the perils of the internet when my expected package from the USA came not from there but from China. I like what I bought but I have certainly been duped. I also tried to change my e mail password but apparently my e mail doesn't exist. Funny that as I can still access it. For a man who hates technology for good reason-it always goes wrong-I'm amazed I've managed to write this blog for the last 3 1/2 years.

Maybe another post tomorrow, see you all soon. If anyone is actually out there!

I Heard a Voice.

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