Friday 4 August 2017

Close Cloying Atmosphere, Thunder Coming?

As my afternoon at work drew to an end the air enveloped me in a close, cloying, damp embrace, the heat rose and the black clouds threatened thunder. It's been that kind of odd summer day where it changed at various points then gathered for what may be a downpour. Thus far it hasn't happened.

I managed a quick foray into Waterstones as I was on the nearby campus before leaving. After the wonders of A Passage to India I came near to buying Maurice and A Room With a View. The Merchant Ivory film of the latter is a great favourite of Beka's. But do I really need more books now? I braved the wiles of Waitrose and faced hoards of middle class people all crowding round the few tills that were open. Experience tells me Friday afternoon is sometimes like that but so be it.

A young Asian mother was in front of me in the queue valiantly trying to keep hold of two energetic little girls who wanted to run round the store. I admired her fortitude and persistence. One has to admire mums with their kids braving a supermarket on a Friday afternoon.

Home and unloaded I have a glass of Pimm's beside me, the cricket is on and I'm deciding what to cook. Do I do chicken tikka which I promised to share with friends? Or do I do some devilry with more prawns? I was so impressed with those done with gram flour earlier in the week I'm determined to do them again at some point this weekend.

Away from practical indulgent things I'm also reflecting on a mixed up week. What exactly happened to send me into the meltdown of last Saturday? Sometimes I look back on my blog posts and realise things I have forgotten. Looking back this week there more signs. The odd day here and there recorded where I struggled. The sudden blasts of anxiety that are more prevalent now. The signs were there beyond the broken sleep of my week off.

That I had to resort to a medication blow out when the pressure is off is a little concerning. I'm back to normal levels now.

Dad is away this weekend going to Air Shows. I like them too but it is some years since I saw one. I have few plans for the weekend bar my culinary adventures. I was most indulgent shopping succumbing to the lure of Iberico Jamon. Not up to Brindisa level but neither so expensive. Nevertheless with a bottle of Pimm's today's bill was quite large.

I will go the the butcher tomorrow for something to roast. My friends are away so I suspect Sunday roast will be alone. The goat was a triumph even if it took ages to cook. The ensuing curry was enjoyed by both Richard and Alyssa to whom I donated it. Always pleasing.

With that I will leave you to your weekend. Have fun and avoid the thunder if it comes.

I Heard a Voice.

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