Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Never Heard of Him.

Ever heard of a composer called Buxtehude? No me neither. He is featuring on the this week's Composer of the Week on radio 3. Not managed to listen to much of his story as I have been cooking but he sounds Danish, spent time in what is now Germany, and from the sound of his music he appears to have been a contemporary of Antonio Lotti. Never heard of him either? Check out his gloriously mournful Crucifixus part of a longer Credo.

Contrary to what my friend Katie believes I do not have an encyclopaedic knowledge of classical music. Yes I've sung a lot of choral music and scraped through music O Level in 1986. But given the levels to which I performed as a child I really am ignorant of the genre. Yet I find myself increasingly drawn to it.

As the rain hammers down on a damp summer's evening I am listening to Schubert. I cooked a fine Thai curry although I must buy some new curry pastes, the colour of my curry belied the age of the paste. Not time today to batter my own.

By means of a break today I perused some of my old posts on here. It recalls the last 4 years of my life. Interesting? Some must think it is. Self indulgent? Maybe. But it is a lot of fun. It also allows me to track the oscillations of my at times precarious mental health. I feel okay today. No more no less

I feel ready for my next venture yet it is 2 weeks before we fly out. Had enough now and need a break. Awaiting me is the pointless yellow cards that I raged about a year ago. When will we get away from stupid pieces of paper? It has been promised next year.

My delving into the world of other jobs failed. So for the time being I stay put. Some day it will work out, of that I'm sure. See you tomorrow.

I Heard a Voice.

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