Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Henry James on Budweiser.

Catherine Sloper had just met Morris Townsend this morning as we set off. I have brought Henry James with me on this trip to watch the absurdity of the English abroad. Fat, balding, greying middle ages men in ridiculous shorts and sandals, middle aged women in three quarter length shorts trying to look demure in this heat. Yes I am fat, balding, greying and middle aged but I'm certainly one of the two youngest people here.Welcome to Brits abroad in the Eastern Europe.

All very splendid baring the appalling loud old man who shouts to everyone that he was born here and escaped the Nazis. I don't care 20 times a day; poor son looking after him. We have another 6 days of this.

Yet I will have fun. The beer is good, the food heavy but nice, it is dirt cheap, and I'm away from the chaos of home. Lost dad on day 1 but he wouldn't be dad if he didn't get lost. Tomorrow Vienna awaits but there is food and beer to be had before then. I'll drink to that!

I Heard a Voice.

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