A bitter swirling wind swept across the lake this morning. Bathed in brilliant autumn sunshine I shivered in a coat and admired my place. There was no sign of the heron. Apart from the odd dragonfly on the last days of its life cycle the insects have gone. The fallen leave of the season litter its shallow depths. This time of year reminds me of that haunting Simon and Garfunkel song "The Leave That a Green". It tells of a fading love affair as the fall comes. I once read a book on Paul Simon that talked of his doomed relationship with an English girl called Kathy. "Kathy's Song" haunted my madness for years. It still makes me think when I listen today but like so much of the those dark days in my life their impact is lessened all these years later.
Today did not go according to plan. So far this year there have been few dramatic unexpected moments. They will come but I felt a little at sea this day. I must steel myself for the storm that has yet to break.
Back at home with heat restored I had planned to study tonight. But my software is older than that used for the course materials so it is another day lost. I worry about getting behind. I guess I will have to print stuff off and spend tomorrow evening doing it.
For now I listen to Mozart, have a beer, and read my book. The prize of "Charon's Ferry" has yet to get into my hands. They sent 1 but it never arrived. They have promised another is on the way. It has been too long a wait. Time marches on though whatever sort of day I'm having. Soon enough it will be in my grasp.
I Heard a Voice.
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