Last night I hosted Sarah for dinner for the first time since I moved. Not sure quite why we haven't sorted anything before now. After a difficult and rather low day things picked up with roast pork, Rioja, Handel and fine company. As I usually do I popped over to The Hedgehog late in the evening for a beer. It was quite busy for a Thursday. Had a brief chat with some friends. One asked me about work so I explained that I'm still waiting for Occupational Health. To this he responded that it was like I had faced the perfect storm. That really struck a chord.
Whilst I beat myself up over self indulgent laziness and perceived arrogance is it any surprise given the events since Christmas that I crashed? I have to accept that it is okay to struggle. And okay to ask for help. The nice GP who has been supporting me in recent months told me a while ago "you have to allow yourself to be the patient". It has been a tough haul and after yesterday I know I'm not completely out the other side.
Sadly the insomnia came back last night. I watched the election for a while then went to bed. But sleep wouldn't come so I got up and watched some more. Last check on the clock was 3 am before I slept. Then a bad dream woke me at 6 am. Not good so feeling a little fragile today.
The day after the election I'm somewhat baffled by the results. I don't really understand local elections as much as national elections but my recollection is invariably the ruling party takes a kicking. But that didn't seem to happen.
My country is very divided. My social media is illuminated by left wing posts from my friends who vote Labour and worship Jeremy Corbyn. People who vote in other ways rarely comment. The shadow of Brexit still hangs over us. I do not know what will happen next.
For all that though I live in a relatively peaceful country where I get a say in what happens. Taking myself off for some window shopping this afternoon I finally managed to catch up with a former student of mine who hails from Greece. I have been meaning to contact her but being away from work I did not have access to her number.
She seemed very pleased to see me and asked if we could meet. Rather surprisingly she told me that she felt Greece was on the brink of war. How scary must that be for the people? That the Middle East is a cauldron of hate and violence has been a given for some time. Turkey has now been sucked in. Is Greece next?
I came away from seeing her feeling valued in a way that I haven't felt for a while. A young woman who values the support I have given her in the past. That rather buoyed my mood. I also realised how lucky we are in my country for the peace that we enjoy.
I Heard a Voice.
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