Sunday, 16 April 2017

This Joyful Eastertide.

For many years I was always away at Easter. During the King's days it was services right up to Easter Day but most especially the wonders of Good Friday. In the Lancing days we always did a choir tour at Easter. Post then I continued to travel at the festival time. And now I'm at rest at home.

My journey to this point has spawned two books, a roller coaster life, a breakdown and a resurrection of sorts when I found Risperidone. Indeed in A Pillar of Impotence I quote the creed in Latin at my final breakdown then rising again. That rising took ten years but was worth it in the end. So here I am alive and well, somewhat better than the flatness of yesterday and cooking a splendid Easter lunch for my friends.

The lamb smells especially good as it roast away festooned with garlic and rosemary and seasoned with salt and pepper. When my friends get here I will crack open the fizz and serve a rare starter, smoked salmon on such a day seems fitting.

Handel is the chosen composer today. I suspect I will get through at least two operas today. I don't want to overdo things too early so will slowly and sparingly consume a glass of two of Rioja with the lamb. Then who knows.

If you are celebrating as a Christian or relaxing as a holiday have a wonderfully Happy Easter.

I Heard a Voice.

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