Wednesday, 19 April 2017

And Again, When Will This End?

Did anyone out there expect yesterday's political earthquake? I had just woken up and turned on the news when Mrs May spoke and announced a shock election. I relish so much that I have the right to vote in my country a right not granted to all but another one? In so short a time? I'm not predicting anything on this sunny spring day but the ripples of change keep bombarding us.

Whilst it had nothing to do with the coming election I did not sleep well overnight. Why have all these dreams come back to bite me? I was up by 9 am on a holiday day. I chose the wrong day to come to St Albans after traffic hell on the bus. When I did get there though a light lunch at Little Marrakech, a wander in the market and a lovely pint of ale in The Lower Red Lion lightened my day.

I'm not wasting my week off. Spent a wonderful afternoon with Krishna yesterday. Too long has gone by since I saw her. The tapas was great, I battered my debit card in the market and then retired to The St Christopher Inn for a glass of ale.

What will tomorrow bring? I think I will take things gently. There is a small matter of roast chicken tonight, my neighbour Richard is coming round. The produce at the market is so much better than that accessible around here. I think some more Jersey Royals will go very well with it.

So far during my break I have steered clear of work. E mails when off rarely give good messages and calm demeanour. That can wait until next week.

I hope the sun is shining on you out there as spring progresses. I'll return when I feel like it.

I Heard a Voice.

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