Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Turmoil for the Innocent

On a day in which my temper was frayed, demands endless and systemic problems haunted me it seems foolish to talk of anything but the bigger picture. In my small world it has been a demanding week all round and one where people wanted answers I cannot give. But who cares on this day of tragedy?

I knew nothing of today's events in London until very late in the day. So another attack and more innocent blood shed. I'm not on anyone's side and I mourn for deaths of all innocents of any faith, creed or country in these terrible days of war that are upon us. Charon's Ferry starts on 9/11 and as I said when I wrote it the world is at war. And that war will continue as there is no negotiated settlement on a war at war with itself. Hate and victimhood are so destructive.

Those killed on the streets of London today are just as much victims as those in Paris, Brussels, Aleppo, Istambul, Sirte, Cairo. Ordinary people always pay a price for man's capacity to wage war on man. The towns and cities where victims of this war lay are too numerous to name.

I learned of the 7/7 bombing via a mysterious text from Miriam whilst walking on the beach in Kent. The rest of that day was spent searching for the safety of my London friends. Today I find my school friend Rebecca with whom I'm attending Evensong at St Paul's on Monday was about to cross Westminster Bridge at the time on her way to a meeting at the House of Lord's. That is too close for comfort.

Trying to make sense of today in all angles is vexing me on a Wednesday evening. So I will revert to type, The Magic Flute plays on and D H Lawrence awaits. Just a short respite of normality in a totally abnormal day.

I Heard a Voice

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