Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Road Madness.

The morning looked promising as I stepped out for the drive to work. The sun was shining, the air warm, my blazer was donned along with my shades. I hadn't yet opened the magic diary to ascertain what I faced today. It was morning and I'm never at my best at that time. But all seemed well.

What I didn't expect just a mile or so down the motorway was a lengthy band of fog. Bit of a surprise on a sunny day but off came the shades and on went the lights. As I arrived the University was shrouded in fog, the warm air was dampened and a kind of autumnal gloom held sway.

It did clear for what turned out to be a pretty good spring day. Thinking my caution of driving in-driving does make me anxious-could be relaxed a little I set forth home. Where the hell did all the idiot drivers come from? The traffic was chaos with people cutting me up inside and out. The roundabout at the University entrance is notorious, why stay in the inside land then cut across four lanes of traffic to turn right onto the motorway?

That there wasn't an accident is due more to luck than good judgement but all the way home the roads were packed, chaos reigned and every fuckwit in the area seemed to conspire to make life as difficult as possible. But home I made it in the end albeit 40 minutes in duration which is double the normal time.

A couple of hours later with my diet in tatters I'm back in my Wednesday cocoon of opera, tonight Pavarotti and Sutherland singing Donizetti grace my flat for the first time and my thoughts turn to reading. I do need to pack for my trip to Kent tomorrow. Yes I'm headed for the seaside again but from what I have heard it will be mightily colder later than it is now.

Since I last posted I have been unsettled. Reviewing my posts on here I realise that unease, unsettled, edgy anxious feeling has not just stemmed from the weekend's dreams but goes back to a couple of weeks. I feel more settled today despite the roads. I have to attend a meeting at the hospital tomorrow. That shouldn't really tax me but given I have never driven there since I crashed my car on the way to a meeting in 2013 that plays somewhat on my anxiety prone mind. It will be fine I know but I am my mum's son and I'm learning some of what life was like for her.

Not sure if I will post from Kent. If I don't have a good end to the week, chill at the weekend and remember we are edging closer to the Easter holiday.

I Heard a Voice.

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