Sunday, 12 March 2017

A Poor Start to a Rainy Day.

Anxious work related dreams was not what I wanted on a Sunday morning lay in. Yet that was what I got. Often I wake anxious but not normally on a Sunday. Pulling back the curtains I was greeted with a wet day. The drizzle persisted until around half an hour ago. After a bad start I think I have recovered.

The tough last couple of weeks may well have brought about such dreams but weekends should be free. And determined to make something of the day I popped out for a short drive, a glass of local ale in The White Horse at Welwyn, and made a failed attempt to procure some fresh mint to make mint sauce later. I have a half leg of lamb to share with Gary and Ali. The whole leg was huge in the butcher and I thought spending £35 just on the meat was a little excessive. But we will have enough.

Home now I have done some tedious domestic stuff, Choral Evensong is on the radio and I'm thinking it is perhaps time for some Earl Grey tea. Tea on a dank day, maybe toast as well. Dank though it is it is still quite warm out.

Another trip to London was on my agenda yesterday. Not quite the glorious spring day of Thursday but I spent a lovely few hours with Kiwi Sarah, ate nice dim sum and came home with a bag of goodies from the Chinese supermarket. All set for my next cooking adventure.

Whilst I'm not dreading the morning I want to enjoy what I can of the last vestiges of my interrupted weekend; damn those dreams. A short week awaits as I catch the train to Kent on Thursday evening ready for dad's 80th birthday celebrations.

Have a good week out there.

I Heard a Voice.

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