Friday, 1 July 2016

Cerebral Zone Out.

What is all this madness of the last week? The whole country seems to have gone crazy. Having struggled to make sense of the most dramatic political events of my life my mind decided to give up. It has been coming all week but never ever felt like this.

Is it the illness or some other phenomenon that my crazy mind has never moved me toward but it has not been nice? The result is a couple of days at home struggling to kick start what has always been an active inquisitive mind. But no longer.

Today does feel better than yesterday although I would not have been up to much had I gone in. Am I righting myself? I do hope so.

On a brighter note it was cheering this morning to see at least some of the bitter hatred set to one side as we mark the centenary of the start of the battle of the Somme. Political difference must be parked for a few hours on days of such significance. Representing the senseless slaughter of war it stands as a reminder that many fought and died in war to give us the option to vote as we did last week. In our arrogance and division we must never forget that.

What will become of the weekend I do not know. Not being able to think at all has been most un-nerving. Please mind, come back.

I Heard a Voice.

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