Monday, 11 April 2016

As I Watch the Drops of Rain.

The rain rather took me by surprise today. It had dawned beautiful and sunny. My waking at the alarm was as relatively good as that time of the morning can be. And I had some plans.

Fast forward to the end of what seemed an eternal day the drizzle reminds me of the haunting Kathy's Song from Simon and Garfunkel's album Sounds of Silence and I'm taken back all those years to the fateful year 1990. That was the year my life spiralled out of control.

You don't need to worry about me as you read this. I'm not desperately low. I can see a way forward. I accept that it is a day of many. But that strange sense of apathy came back today. Strange thing is I don't know why. It has been a bits and pieces day. Neither good nor bad. Yet it has left me uneasy with memories of the girl I only name in public as Rachel. I almost looked her up today. And I swore I would never do that.

So on this wet evening I will keep things simple and ride it out. I don't expect to achieve much today. But there is always tomorrow.

I Heard a Voice.

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