Saturday, 10 August 2013

Savage Nature.

On Thursday and Friday I was able to witness the heron at the lake hunting for the first time. The lake if full of huge fish, far too big for the heron. But there are small fry too. Wading into the water the beautiful bird stood in perfect stillness before striking. The cycle of nature for all its savagery can be can be a marvel to behold.

Also hunting were the wasps. They have come late this year. I'm told gardeners like them as they hunt aphids but I can't stand them. Wasps and flies are the worst part of the summer. Yet soon it will be autumn and away it will all go, disappearing into the gloom that awaits us.

The lake aside Thursday and Friday were mixed for me. Thursday was marvellous although it meant saying goodbye to one of my nicest students. As I know she is reading, all I can say is well done-you have come so far in so short a time. Yesterday I came home feeling somewhat flat. It had been an odd day. I don't like it when I come away on a Friday thinking of the day and replaying it. In the evening I went to the Hedgehog but was largely distracted.

Today I feel okay, mood a little up, not too manic and achieved a few things. Haircut, shopping and cleaning-dull but necessary. I won't cook tonight but will finish my Vietnamese chicken curry that has been infusing for a couple of days. It was very fine first time around although it needed more chilli; I will add some later. Tomorrow I will cook Guinea fowl for the first time-let's hope it turns out well. More soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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