Thursday, 24 January 2013

Everyone Wants a Piece of Me!

Do you ever get those days when everyone wants you to do something for them and it must be done now? One of the great challenges of having a unique job in a large university is that sometimes everyone thinks I can prioritise them now. Today was one such day.

Since returning from my ice bound oblivion that kept me home for 5 days various meetings have kept me out of office in the main. We were moved off campus just over 18 months ago. The plus side is the wonderful lake by us which was marvellous in its savage beauty today iced over and surrounded by snow.

I got back to my office at 3 pm expecting to make 2 phone calls and to see a student. But it wasn't to be. The student didn't make it and I spent all afternoon on the phone or being updated about all the calls that came in during my absence. Tomorrow's plan is out the window already. I have 5 more important things to prioritise now. When will I ever catch up? I'll let you know if and when I do.

Yet I'm home now and trying to switch off. On a nice note I have sold a few copies of my books in the last week. Being an unknown I have to celebrate each little triumph of a sale-there have been 7 triumphs this week. Talking of which I forgot to put the Amazon link up for Charon's Ferry:  

For reasons I don't understand I can never guarantee on here that links will come out, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. If it doesn't work just copy and paste if you want to have a look or even better buy a copy!!! If you do look you will see the lovely review my dad did. Of course he is biased but he did seem genuinely moved and impressed by it.

Time to eat, heading for Hakalok. Not been there much since Joey went home but I fancy some noodles rather than reheating the Shepherd's pie I made that is in the fridge.

No idea what time I will get home tomorrow, have to do a home visit at 3.30 pm, it always happens on a Friday!

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