Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Back Home, Time to Cook!

Greetings all,

I meant to post yesterday but didn't get round to it. It was the day on which I turned 42. It never ceases to amaze me how fast time goes when we get older. I had a good birthday. Had a Chinese lunch with parents and a couple of friends then had a couple of beers with my friend Tom in the evening. It was great to see him in the light of his recent family tragedy.

I have a few days left of my holiday. Hoping to get on the with the new book and am going to meet my friend Tory for a picnic in London on Friday-weather permitting of course.

I'm keeping the food simple tonight. A Carbonnade of Beef courtesy of Rick Stein. My sister gave me a signed copy of his latest book on Spain so I guess I had better try it out before I go back.

Nothing to report on the mad front so I will leave you all. See you in September!

I Heard a Voice.

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