Saturday, 6 August 2011

A Plan Gone Awry.

My friend Mailk got married yesterday. I've known him for 12 years having trained as teachers together in Cambridge. So it should have been a marvellous day but somewhere along the line things did not go to plan.

I got the train down to Bromley and my friend Katherine drove from there. But if you follow the news you will have seen that there was a dreadful accident on the M25 and they closed the road. Result? Utter chaos. We ended up all the way down at Gatwick and trying to find our way back the exhaust pipe fell off just south of Reigate.

For someone who struggles to adapt when things you worng, a stange thing happened. I stayed completely calm. Katherine was extremely distressed but thanks to a the AA we did eventually get back to Bromley-despite the stress she got us back in one piece. So a 7 hour road trip to nowhere. Did manage a partial rescue by a very nice chicken doner when we got back.

But I guess in the light of my last post, who cares? There are far more serious things than getting stuck in traffic.

Home now having wasted £40 I can barely spare. But I have the rugby on, Assam tea made and am planning to cook the legendary Chinese dish "The Ants Climbing the Tree" later.

I Heard a Voice.

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