Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Mozart, Always Mozart.

A day on from my unexpected slump in mood I think I have bounced back okay. So I didn't sleep well and was tired. Actually I haven't for a few days owing to violent and work dreams. But despite that today has been okay.

Coming to the end of a decade was once momentous. 30 years ago my life was flying and I knew nothing of the calamity that lay over the short horizon. 20 years ago I was with friends for the for the end of the century and once again calamity was about to strike. That that calamity would bring me to salvation was not on my mind. I'm no longer friends with our host that evening, he turned out to be a charlatan. Ten years ago I have been here a little over two years and I was flying with the prospect of Cambridge looming on the horizon. It didn't work out and I slumped. And today? I'm struggling with work but I'm back on an even keel.

The decadence of my life needed a fitting end to the decade. So it was medium rare duck breast pan fried then oven baked along with roasted dice potatoes and vegetables. And a glass of Chianti. What else could I see out this year to? Of course it has to be Mozart.

So as The Marriage of Figaro plays a fitting accompaniment to this New Year's Eve I wish you well. Happy New Year and may you all prosper in 2020. I intend to enjoy myself despite the cold, grey and wet day outside. Have fun everyone.

I Heard a Voice.

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