The intense heat and stifling closeness of recent days has given way to a much fresher feel today. Not seen a lot of the sun. But I'm okay.
This morning was the first time since I went back that I didn't wake before the alarm. Expecting a difficult night I slept better than I feared. The culprit was the council ripping up the road outside my flat and completely relaying the surface. It was quite interesting watching huge machines going on their destructive path expertly guided under the bright lights by men in hi vis suits choreographing a vast undertaking. I knew nothing about it until I saw a sign entering my road yesterday afternoon.
Some seven days have been accrued thus far on my return. People continue to way lay me on my travels and delight in me being back. Does that raise the bar of expectation? I raise it so high myself that I don't really need others to encourage me.
Tomorrow I'm having coffee with the big boss. I have been hoping to do that since last summer but given how stupidly busy she is I haven't tried to set anything up. What I do know is that even in the darkest times there I feel at ease in her company. In an ideal world we would all feel like that all the time but I do not live in an ideal world.
My mood diary remains fairly upbeat thus far. Will that continue? I do hope so. The acid test will be around 2.50 pm tomorrow when my psychology session finishes. I still have very mixed feelings about going back to therapy but will try to be optimistic.
For now though I have the wonderful Figaro playing and intend to make more progress on Brideshead.
Wish me luck for tomorrow and have a good week, mid point comes tomorrow lunch time!
I Heard a Voice.
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