Tuesday, 14 February 2017

One at a Time.

Some time ago I read an article on the NFL website on the dangers of sudden immense wealth that such young and talented people get when they are a high round draft pick. A Head Coach was quoted as saying to his star rookie 1st round draft pick during induction "you only need one car". The reply was "too late coach I've already bought three". So many in our culture yearn for instant wealth. That talented young man lasted only a couple of seasons in the league due to bad choices, immaturity and the madness of wealth. He is what our American friends call a "bust".

I do not have great wealth. Nor is very likely I will ever have great wealth. But having ridden out the storm of moving and debt I get by. Spending has always been part of my madness. Depending on which end of the mood spectrum I'm at I tend to spend. Spend for different reasons. When depressed I spend to try to make myself happier. When buzzing I spend because I can and it doesn't matter. But there are limits sometimes.

In a lull on what should have been a more eventful day than turned out I took a little break and had a short wander in the Galleria. Inevitably I succumbed to the lure of books, collected journalism of the late A A Gill Lines in the Sand and Lampedusa's masterpiece The Leopard. Not sure when I will get time to read them but I will one day.

Elsewhere temptation nearly struck in my profligacy. Seeing a beautiful blazer at a bargain price temptation almost got the better of me. Until I recalled that I have four blazers already and reminding myself of the wise words of coach that I can only wear one at a time. Shame really but I resisted. Anywhere but in the middle as I am today there might have been a more expensive outcome.

The day was okay really although my judgement was sorely tested at times and once again I find myself living with what if I'm wrong fears. Ravel's music is currently soothing that fear. And after I think some Morse. Fight another day in the morning.

I Heard a Voice.

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