Friday, 3 February 2017

Green Leafy Things.

Can handfuls of herbs be considered as a vegetable in a meal? Some years ago during a conversation with my splendid GP Clare in Kent she told me that what I really needed to eat healthily was green leafy things. Lettuce that I'm not very partial to in any of its guises. Spinach, yuck, mum cooked it to a mush and I was put off for life. Watercress which for years I didn't eat, now like but struggle to get hold of. Cabbage, I can do that but it doesn't go with everything. So in my life the green leafy things did not feature very heavily. I probably eat more fruit and vegetables than many people in this unhealthy country of ours but apparently the wrong things.

So as I move forward into trialling healthier food I'm in a quandary. Today I did a beautiful beef pho with handfuls of coriander, mint and basil and I'm really hoping that counts a my ration of green leafy things for the day.

The initial taste was singularly unsuccessful as for some inexplicable reason I had forgotten to add the fish sauce. Once remedied it was splendid. Thrift, simplicity and health. That must be a good combination.

The lack of salt comes on a day of forgetfulness. Things kept slipping my mind all day. When I shopped I forgot a lot of what I wanted. Tomorrow I must go back not only to buy what I forgot but also to take back an oriental bowl I bought for my soup that had a crack in it. What a nuisance.

But that can come tomorrow. For now I have the last part of Britten on Composer of the Week on Radio 3 followed by a choice of more music, a film or perhaps more Morse. Music is tilting heavily in my thoughts but we will see.

On Sunday I'm away to Miriam's. Super Bowl on Sunday, screaming on the Atlanta Falcons on what I suspect will be a forlorn chase for their first NFL title.

I Heard a Voice.

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