The air was heavy and there was thunder in the sky as I drove home in the depths of the afternoon. Handel accompanied my journey home. It was a day of triumph. There was a time when I used to have a mind set when asked to provide mental health training that I am the best and I will blow them all away. That confidence is long gone as I retreat from my mini mania into what at times is a battle simply to get through a day. But not today.
On Monday I held court to 60 people with IT problems and a whole load of anxiety. Some regarded it as a triumph. Some in their arrogance continue to dismiss me. Today I faced a smaller group of 19 and for a couple of hours had them in the palm of my teaching hand and triumphed. On the days I'm good I can be really good. The upshot? More demand. I have always wanted to train everyone there in the world of madness. But there was not the time, the political will nor interest for that to happen. Now I'm in demand.
Those days of triumph feel rare now and normally I celebrate with a trip to see Yang. But not today. It was simply leftover pork, Jersey Royal potatoes, organic carrots and fine French beans. Simple but delicious. And then my first cherries of the short season. Living alone and not having a freezer makes it hard to eat seasonally. But late spring for Jersey Royals and early to mid summer for cherries are some of my most glorious attempts at culinary seasonality.
Outside the world moves on for tomorrow we meet our destiny. As you know I don't often make political comment on here but those of us old enough to vote in the UK must tomorrow decide yes or no if we stay in the European Union. Almost everyone who has mentioned it-I don't ask-says they will vote out. I am still undecided but a vicious campaign of fear and racism has not endeared either side to me. But I must vote. Too young in 1975 for the last referendum on Europe it is the most important decision I will make in my insignificant life time.
I Heard a Voice.
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