Saturday, 25 June 2016

Riding the Earthquake.

The voice of David Cameron resigning as Prime Minister on the radio woke me up yesterday morning. A momentous vote ended up shocking most of the world as the UK will leave the European Union. And with that the earthquake began.

What happens next is anyone's guess. Political instability certainly. Looks like the leader of the opposition may also be ousted. Stock markets and currency are in free fall. Those who voted to leave are crowing and that is fine but people must acknowledge that we are going into a mighty big unknown.

My Facebook page was littered with friends in dreadful turmoil and professing embarrassment for being British. The catastrophe they all predict may or may not happen. Will the EU break up? Is Europe lurching dangerously to the right? Will immigration, the key issue that led so many to vote out be under control? Who knows.

I simply didn't feel intellectually or factually informed enough to cast a vote. Perhaps more people should admit that. The backlash and fierce debate is turning ugly. A decision has been made and we will know more in a year, two, three.

There is very little unity in my country now. Let us hope rifts will be healed.

And with that life goes on. I've been hosting Beka which was lovely. Stayed up a bit too late and drank a bit too much wine. But we don't see each other often. Tomorrow will be a day of rest. There is gammon to roast, opera to hear and reading to do. Miriam's birthday is next week. It's also pay day. Let's have a great week.

I Heard a Voice.

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