Sunday, 19 June 2016

Rolling Clouds and Quiet Sundays.

What started as a promising Sunday has clouded over, become colder and generally disappointed. Not that I have really been out other than to buy the paper. But it would have been nice to go for a walk in the sunshine but it was not to be.

This week's opera offering is Mitridate, Re Di Ponto, long but rather nice. The offerings in the paper were highlighted by news of England's series win in Australia in the rugby. The downside was the continued coverage of the tragic murder of politician Jo Cox by a right wing extremist on Thursday. There is much talk of the man arrested as being mentally ill. But a word from the wise and I have been around an awfully long time hatred is not a mental illness. Contrary to what many of my MH brethren may think we are culpable for our actions and insanity is no defence for such hideous crimes. I had not heard of Jo Cox until this week but it transpires she was a student at Pembroke College Cambridge a few years after I left. Cambridge will always mourn its own.

So what to do now as the opera comes to an end? Well the pork is going in the oven at 4 pm. And I will take the opportunity to finish reading my second book of my holiday. I got through Matt Haig's Reasons to Stay Alive in 2 days. My other read is Paul Moody and Robin Turner's The Search for the Perfect Pub. I've really enjoyed both books and it shows what can be achieved in my reading world away from screens and phones.

The quiet summer season at work will roll on tomorrow. I'm delivering a training course in the afternoon-not delivered it to such a big group before. Then at the end of the day I don multiple hats as a governor, practitioner, university employee and service user at a meeting about re-validation of HPUFT's university status-I'm moving in exalted circles! Talking of governors it seems I have been reappointed unopposed. Not sure whether that says something about the quality of my contributions to the organisation or that there simply weren't enough nominees to hold an election.

I Heard a Voice.

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