Sunday, 22 February 2015

Walking in the Rain.

A bitter wind is blowing out there. It brings with it squalling rain showers and frigid wind chill. Clearly I chose the wrong time to go for my Sunday afternoon walk. It was so cold it left me with a headache and feeling somewhat wet. So I cut short my walk and decided to write this to my friends out there in the cyber world.

To say it was quite a challenging week would be a bit of an understatement. The events of Wednesday were not the entire disaster I feared but attendance was mediocre at best and I really didn't put on my finest performance in my talk. That said the important people did make time to come and hear me speak. As far as I'm concerned someone else can organise it next year.

My new manager has been appointed. Much to everyone's surprise a man has been selected. The field is dominated by white middle class women so it is good to go for someone different. He also hails from down my way in Kent. Perhaps we can swap anecdotes on Canterbury and country pubs. I'm not sure when he will arrive but I will be deeply saddened by the departure of my great friend and supporter Kym.

Back in the flat I'm slowly warming up listening to Cuban music on the radio and turning my thoughts to dinner. I have a fine French free range corn fed chicken to roast which I bought at Borough Market. A bottle of Chardonnay is chilling in the fridge. Time I suppose to parboil the potatoes. See you soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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