Monday, 23 June 2014

Something Radical?

Way back in the early 2000s when I was still fruitlessly seeking employment as a teacher I applied to Eton for a joke. The crazy thing was they actually interviewed. Perhaps the greatest mistake I ever made in those day was not putting my old ancient history tutor down as referee. Had I done that maybe I would be there now. Well he was asked to be Headmaster unsolicited at the age of 36. Oh how foolish of me.

Now in 2014 I feel I may apply for an equally prestigious job. I have no chance of getting an interview but what have I got to lose? The top places sometimes look at what you have rather than what you have not. Maybe chance will shine on me. This time I will carefully choose referees. In fact the relevant e mail has already been sent. Given the uncertainty that hangs over my present life why not?

I'm listening to Debussy as the rain drops down outside. I thought it was a summer shower but I suspect it is somewhat more than that. Tomorrow I will see my supervisor for the first time this academic year. She has now moved offices to somewhere far more convenient for me. The good news is I can straight home from there. It is a month until I go away with dad. Not really counting down yet but I'm sure I will soon. The cricket is heading for disaster, the football is a disaster, I wonder what Wimbledon will bring? Not really a fan but I know a lot of people are. Only 2 1/2 months until the NFL returns....along with the chaos of another academic year. The question is where will I be then?

I Heard a Voice.

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