Greetings! I seem to have been away from here for a while. Actually have been somewhat busier of late but not all work. Thursday took me to the home of cricket. Donning a linen suit and Panama hat I took to it like I'd been going every year for ages. What a splendid day out. Gentlemen, ladies, well behaved school kids, a proper day out. All my little anxieties that had marred the run up failed to materialise. Many thanks to my friend Charlie who got the tickets. Having been once we plan to make it an annual event. Next time I will be more prepared for a picnic. Can't believe I have never been before.
Friday took me back to reality but got through that fine. So now to a quiet weekend. I braved the cut throat razor on my first visit to the nearby Turkish barbers-very pleased with the angelic look. The rest of the afternoon has just been cricket watching-seems headed for a draw.
In the kitchen it is Muttar Paneer and Chicken Tikka on the menu. Tomorrow will be roast duck with Rioja. Oh the joys of cooking. I will watch the football at the Hedgehog. I anticipate an England defeat but no one predicted Holland to beat Spain 5-1 so miracles might happen.
Mentally I think I'm back to where I should be. Be nice if my mood was a little higher but might not please everyone else. Happy days!
I Heard a Voice.
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