Thursday, 26 December 2013

Winter Sun.

A bright winter sun greeted my- as I emerged late the morning after the night before. It was cold though. What a night it was. We surpassed last year's epic by about 3 1/2 hours and I got home at about 1.45 am. Today I did not pay a hangover price, more a nightmares and exhaustion price. For the first time in years I decided against going to the Boxing Day run. This did not go down well as I received a barrage of texts requiring me to go. In fact I went back to bed. Not sure what I feel now but I will head for the Butt later.

This week has gone fast. Depending on how ferocious tonight's predicted storm is I plan to drive back home on Saturday. If there is travel disruption I might wait until Sunday.

I have been very lucky with presents this year. But most important of all was a short poetry book Miriam gave me. Turning to her poem published on page 116 I was stunned the read about me. It was an amazing piece that shows how far I have come from the darkness into the light. I almost cried. I never really think of people viewing me in the that way. I guess I make a mark sometimes.

Nearly time to eat so will be away. Maybe back tomorrow on here or at the weekend. I hope everyone had peaceful and happy Christmas and let's all pray for a prosperous New Year.

I Heard a Voice.

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