Sunday, 15 December 2013

Holiday, What Holiday?

In theory I'm now on holiday until 6th January. However, owing to events, failures, and general incompetence which is beyond my control I now have to go to work on Monday. It will be a day of tough decisions. Yes those, the ones I don't make! Oh I forgot about that. So where are the decision makers? Where do you think?

I came home after Friday's debacle exhausted and raging. But I did not fire off the torrent of angry e mails my mind wanted. That might have been foolish. I'm certainly not at all happy. Then again though I'm only a humble bottom feeder. More important people than me make those tough decisions

On this quiet Sunday afternoon with the "Magic Flute" playing I'm focusing on calming down. What will be will be. In a rare departure for a Sunday I'm cooking a curry later. This owes more to expiry dates and not back until late on Friday than some radical shift in my behaviour. I will return to the Sunday roast next week when I will be with dad. In the meantime I have to do some academic reading. But that can wait until Tuesday. Until next time.

I Heard a Voice.

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