Monday, 8 April 2013

A Passing.

As I have mentioned before this blog is not about making political comment. My views are irrelevant but given my background it is not really hard to guess which way I vote in elections. But I cannot let today pass without comment. For today Margaret Thatcher died at the age of 87. I think it was Enoch Powell who once said something along the lines that "all political careers end in failure". Indeed Thatcher was ousted by her own party. She changed my world.

There has never been a more divisive figure in my lifetime. Well I guess George W Bush but he was not from my country. The way she is remembered will be polarised; they will be dancing in the streets in the northeast and the former pit villages of Kent. By marked contrast I suspect there is deep mourning in the Falkland Islands. But whatever she did  ist was over 20 years ago, good and ill.

I was supposed to be one of Thatcher's children. We were the last of the educated aspiring to the top before the recession of the 1990s. Her vision remains in many of my highly successful friends. By contrast I must be a complete failure.

There are many in the university who doubt that statement. Yet I keep going each day despite the increasing toll on my physical health and the precarious nature of my mental health. Whatever and whoever I am now, I do not think it is good to celebrate deaths. At least not those who are not evil. Evil is rare in my experience and I'm not important enough to stand in judgement on such figures.

I Heard a Voice.

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