The last two Christmas Days I have watched the sun set over the sea with my family. Today as the sun wanes in the western sky I am alone, in my flat and listening to Beethoven. Just back from a walk I saw the sun and the moon. The year of tribulation, pestilence and death is nearing its close. That many like me are alone on this glorious day is testament to the destruction brought on by a little known virus. A year ago we heard whisperings of it from China. Now nothing from China but the world is crying out in the first world pandemic since 1918.
Back in March I wrote of not seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and I have yet to see them. But we are all pretty battered and bruised.
The loneliness did not strike until I messed up my photo of the epic Christmas lunch I made. I post a lot of food porn and I was disappointed to let everyone down with an epic fuck up. Switch from video to photo might help. So a sub par picture went out and I'm a little despondent.
That said though lunch was delicious. I boxed some up for my neighbour Richard to collect and he seemed to appreciate it all.
Now as the light fades I reflect on what was, what might have been and what may be to come. The truth is none of us are certain of the immediate future. True vaccines are being rolled out, dad had his on Thursday, but we are all in the dark.
With little choice but to carry on I wish you a merry Christmas from my humble flat, good cheer for the New Year and enjoy all that indulgence. A glass of Chianti awaits now. And after my bath, cheese and Barolo. Still too fat to eat it yet.
I Heard a Voice.
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