Sunday, 20 December 2020

Carols, Rainbows and Chianti.

The glorious sunlit morning I woke to gave way to sporadic clouds, broken drizzle and a rainbow as I ventured out into the world this afternoon. This December has been marred by the rapid spread of the pestilence, virtual house arrest and the cancellation of Christmas for many. Life looks bleak.

I cannot however succumb to the darkness. The term is finally over, I ate a wonderful slow roast lamb shank for lunch, I listened to Mozart and Puccini, and I drank Chianti. I walked in the glorious open air and saw a pale crescent moon. Now as the light fades I'm listening to Christmas carols and finishing the wine.

So what will become of me moving forward? In truth life seems even more uncertain than when I wrote a year ago. True change has come but it has not been good change. Who I am in 2021 may be defined by a tumultuous 2020. That I made it to the end of the year seems a miracle. Much did not feel good about the last year.

It is easy to say it can't get any worse but who knows? I have no plans moving forward other than trying to relax in the holiday, indulge, reflect, consume and take it a day at a time.

Opera, books, and culinary adventures will ensue. My therapy will continue. My friendships will flourish I hope. It will just be from a distance for the moment. Much hope is being placed in the various vaccines, I will certainly have them when my time is right. My dad I suspect will get his pretty quickly. Nigel too. When I get there I do not know. I may be many things but a fool is not one of them so why would I decline?

The rest of today will be passed with carols, NFL and a few beers. Stay safe in these uncertain times.

I Heard a Voice. 

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