Tuesday, 7 April 2020

By Sunlight or by Moonlight?

Given that I'm only allowed out once a day to walk I was left with a stark choice today. Go out in the beautiful sun filled day time or venture to see the full moon under cover of darkness. Musing that there is a need for direct sunlight to stay healthy I chose the former today. And what a lovely day.

I miss the moon but did glimpse it at its zenith partially veiled by wispy clouds through my kitchen window. Last night though I did see it in all its glory if not quite full in the twilight air. Could have done without the youth of today doing their drug deals on the corner down the hill. But I guess that is normal for some.

My mood remains buoyant. Triumphant at times. The working from home is a revelation and although having to deal with some tricky situations this week I think I have done okay.

Now with my door locked, the curtains drawn and the lights on I'm listening to Mozart flute sonatas and reflecting on my culinary endeavours. Still have produce so still cooking. A Thai green chicken curry tonight, one of the best I have done. The scope for interesting things as we approach the long holiday weekend is not quite endless but bountiful treats lie in stall.

I'm thinking about making rendang with my ox cheeks. Hope that will work. Some leftover raw chicken will probably be stir fried in some Chinese way tomorrow. Yes chicken can now be found. Hopefully turkey on Sunday.

You will note how upbeat this post is. Have to try to keep this up in these odd days. The death toll is rising here but not at the rate it was feared. Love him or loath him our prime minister is himself in intensive care. I find it most distasteful that some of my many left wing friends are mocking and attacking a man at his most vulnerable. No one deserves that. My profound wish is that when this crisis is over such aggressive partisan political discourse will be tempered, lessened and diminished by what is a human tragedy. Those who are wise know we must all face this together not at each other's throats.

With that I leave you and return to Mozart and a beer. Do take care.

I Heard a Voice.

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