The cold, grey, wet miserable day that was yesterday has been replaced by beautiful sunshine. I was talking to the Portuguese lady who works at the dentist yesterday and she told me she didn't mind the cold but struggled with the greyness of our winter. And it was certainly grey. So the sun must be uplifting for her as well as for me.
You may wonder how it is that I'm posting in the middle of the day in the middle of the week but unfortunately you find me unwell today. Waking at 3 am I had an intense feeling or nausea and acid heartburn. Try as I might I couldn't shift it or go back to sleep. So at 7.30 am I called in and stopped the day. A pain as it was shaping up to be a busy one. But we all get ill sometimes.
Since I last conversed with you many things have happened. The anniversary of mum's death, visits from Beka and Marie, Mother's Day, and thankfully some more stable mood. I've been cooking which is a sure sign things are more settled. Roast beef the weekend before last, roast rack of lamb last Sunday. I had a culinary disaster on Monday. Moral of the story is label what goes in the freezer.
Last night I went out with Sarah to tapas Tuesday at The White Horse. Nice though it was it certainly wasn't tapas so was left with a tinge of disappointment. Don't think I will be booking that again. Steak night yes, tapas Tuesday no.
A new Turkish place is opening next week. Mezze and grill, I'm a big fan. Actually I know that chap who owns it. Must give that a try next week.
With luck I will go back to my normal self soon. Having cancelled today I did get some needed sleep but it was marred by difficult dreams. I feel a little better but will take things gently for the time being. More soon.
I Heard a Voice.
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