Greetings on this sunny Good Friday. All of you who have given up anything for Lent can be rest assured that the end is in sight. Doing roast lamb on Sunday Ros? Glass of Malbec for dad? I admire people who have the resilience to give up good things; I've never even tried as I know I have no will power.
My vague thought of going to Cambridge to hear Allegri and Lotti never got beyond the vague idea stage. Instead I listened at home, still marvel at such amazing music forty years since I first sang it in King's. Always an electric, mournful experience full of minor keys and dark harmonies it was always one of my favourite services to sing. Today is I suppose the darkest and most sombre day in the Christian calendar. Saturday night in church sees the austere stripped and covered fabric and at midnight the light of the world heralding the glorious resurrection on Easter Day.
Whatever my beliefs are, and I struggle with them, Easter is a glorious time to listen to music and enjoy a long weekend. And with all this beautiful sunshine spring is at its brilliant best.
You find me back to my comfortable best. Not low, not high, just happy after the mental buffeting of the last ten days or so. That I'm away from work helps. Poor sleep and back dreams jolted me up early again but it has not really dampened my mood. I did a little shopping then sticking with the Italian theme of my music had a light pasta lunch with a tomato, caper and mint sauce. Then off for a drive in the country. Sat in the garden of The Tilbury and enjoyed the sun and a glass of bear.
Back at home now the balcony door is open, the light is perfect and I'm listening to Mozart. Later I will cook Dover sole for the first time. Not sure yet whether to bake, grill or pan fry it. Bought some dill which I hope will go with in a little butter sauce. A glass of two of chilled Albarino will go very well I think.
Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend Naima at Borough Market. Not been since January. Not sure I will buy a lot but a good lunch, a walk along the river and a pint in one of my pub haunts around there will be great.
Hope you all enjoy this long weekend. Might return on Sunday if I'm not feeling too lethargic after Sarah's gargantuan three course Easter lunch.
I Heard a Voice.
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